
Risk Factor Screening for Heart Health was Organized

                                                                                                                          Published Date:24.11.2023

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. Heart diseases can be prevented by controlling behavioral risk factors such as healthy diet and weight control, regular physical activity, and prevention of smoking and alcohol use. In this context, to emphasize the importance of risk factors for heart health, the Risk Factor Screening Event for Heart Health" was organized in cooperation with our Faculty of Nursing Department and Vocational School of Health Services.

The participants’ blood pressure, body mass index, and waist/hip ratios were measured at the stand open at the entrance of the Faculty of Health Sciences canteen. Participants were also informed about behavioral risk factors and risk factor control. A total of 111 participants attended the event, which attracted great interest from the academic and administrative staff and the students of our faculty.

We would like to thank all the participants who participated in the event.

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